Loadstar 44
desert trader
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Commodore BASIC
748 lines
1 rem
2 rem (c) 1986 by mark martin
3 rem
4 rem
5 if ld%=1 then 7
6 print"[147]":ld%=1:load"sprite.ml",8,1
7 poke55,255:poke56,127:clr
8 poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or1
9 poke53272,(peek(53272)and15)or.
10 poke648,128
11 print"[147]":gosub 547
12 dim ht$(7,2)
13 wf% = 8
14 wt% = 9
15 tn$="newtown":tn%=4:p1=80:p2=90:p3=40:p4=84:p5=60:p6=85:p7=50:p8=16
16 bar$="the liquor palace"
17 m1$="goruthan":m2$="clornik":m3$="largian":m4$="nervian":m5$="brogian"
18 m6$="bandit":m7$="cyclopian":m8$="yorchnoid"
19 s1=30:w1=0:w2=0:cr=250:f1=25:sn%=8:mx%=1
20 ht$(1,1)="books, weapons ":ht$(1,2)="liquor, spices"
21 ht$(2,1)="weapons, crystals":ht$(2,2)="spices, tobacco"
22 ht$(3,1)="medicine, books ":ht$(3,2)="rations, liquor"
23 ht$(4,1)="crystals, rations":ht$(4,2)="tobacco, medicine"
24 ht$(5,1)="liquor, spices ":ht$(5,2)="books, weapons"
25 ht$(6,1)="spices, tobacco ":ht$(6,2)="weapons, crystals"
26 ht$(7,1)="tobacco, medicine":ht$(7,2)="crystals, rations"
27 gosub316:pokevc+21,0
28 poke53280,2:poke53281,0
29 print chr$(142) "[147][152]" tab(3)"do you want a printed copy"
30 print tab(3)"of the game map? (y/n)"
31 print:print tab(3)"note: your printer must be able"
32 print tab(9)"to print graphic characters."
33 gosub 510: if a$="n" then 76: rem skip map hard-copy
34 print:print tab(3)"do you want hints printed also? (y/n)":gosub510
35 print:print tab(3)"be sure your printer is ready,"
36 print tab(3)"and press any key."
37 getc$: if c$="" then 37
38 open4,4,0:print#4
39 print#4," ";:for i=1to74: print#4,"[164]";:next i
40 print#4:print#4:print#4,chr$(15);chr$(14);
41 print#4," the great desert"
42 print#4,chr$(15):forx=1to5:print#4:nextx
43 print#4," dustbowl 1":print#4:print#4
44 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] cyote 2"
45 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
46 print#4," [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205]"
47 print#4," [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
48 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
49 print#4," [206][205][206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
50 print#4," bizbee [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
51 print#4," 3 [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205]"
52 print#4," [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205] newtown"
53 print#4," [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] 4";
54 print#4,chr$(15);chr$(14);" sand dunes"
55 print#4,chr$(15);" [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
56 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
57 print#4," [206][205][206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
58 print#4," [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205]"
59 print#4," [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205] artel"
60 print#4," [206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205] 5"
61 print#4," [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
62 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
63 print#4," [206][205][206][205][206][205] [206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
64 print#4," [206][205][206][205] [206][205][206][205] [206][205]"
65 print#4," [206][205] [206][205][206][205]"
66 print#4," [206][205] [206][205]"
67 print#4," [206][205] [206][205] rocktowne 7"
68 print#4," desertvil 6"
69 if a$="n"then75
70 forx=1to3:print#4,"":nextx:print#4," ";:for i=1to74:print#4,"[164]";:next i
71 print#4,"":print#4,"":print#4,chr$(15);
72 print#4,chr$(14);" items for trade:":print#4,chr$(15),""
73 print#4,spc(10)"cheap expensive":print#4
74 forx=1to7:print#4,spc(6)str$(x)") "ht$(x,1)spc(23)ht$(x,2):next x
75 print#4,chr$(12):close4
76 p1$="crystal":p2$="weapons":p3$="books":p4$="medicine":p5$="tobacco"
77 p6$="spices":p7$="liquor":p8$="rations"
78 print"[147]do you want instructions (y/n)":gosub 510
79 if a$="n" then 92
80 rem print instructions----------
81 open 1,8,15:open 5,8,5,"0:instructions,s,r":gosub 528
82 if e% > 19 then 81
83 print chr$(14);:z$=chr$(.)
84 for x = 1 to 3
85 for y = 1 to 24
86 input#5, ln$: if asc(left$(ln$,1)+z$)<>151 then 88
87 a=len(ln$)-1:print "[155]" right$(ln$,a) :goto89
88 println$
89 nexty:poke198,.:wait198,1:next x: close 5: close 1
90 :
91 rem town menu------------------------
92 poke53280,2:printchr$(142)
93 print"[147][167][214][214][214][214][129][214][214][214][214][214][158][214][214][214][165]t[153]own squar[154]e[167][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][156][214][214][214][214][165][152]"
94 sc% = 1: if nu=0 and cr=0 then 467
95 gosub455
96 print tab(wt%)"you're in ";tn$;"."
97 print tab(wt%)"where will you go?"
98 print tab(wt%)"(1) the bar"
99 print tab(wt%)"(2)[160]the weapon shoppe"
100 print tab(wt%)"(3) the merchant"
101 print tab(wt%)"(4) the doctor"
102 print tab(wt%)"(5) the map"
103 print tab(wt%)"(6) another town"
104 print tab(wt%)"(7) back to loadstar[145]"
105 max$="7": gosub 523
106 on a goto 107,157,233,427,611,321,9000
107 rem bar-----------------------------
108 print"[147][167][214][214][214][214][129][214][214][214][214][214][158][214][214][214][214][214][153][214][214][165]b a r[167][214][154][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][214][156][214][214][214][214][165][152]"
109 if spr%=1 then 111
110 sys 828,40960,"bar":spr%=1
111 gosub 589
112 gosub455:print tab(wt%)"welcome to":print tab(wt%)bar$
113 sd%=1:gosub536:sd%=0:gosub455
114 x=int(12*rnd(1))+1
115 on x goto 118, 122, 126, 130, 135, 138, 143, 147
116 goto 152
117 :
118 print tab(wt%)"a stranger picks":print tab(wt%)"a fight with you."
119 print tab(wt%)"he beats you up and":print tab(wt%)"tosses you in the"
120 print tab(wt%)"street.":goto156
121 :
122 print tab(wt%)"a stranger picks":print tab(wt%)"a fight with you."
123 print tab(wt%)"you beat him up and"
124 print tab(wt%)"throw him out of the":print tab(wt%)"bar.":goto156
125 :
126 print tab(wt%)"after a drink or":print tab(wt%)"two, a brawl starts"
127 print tab(wt%)"and you get beat up.":print tab(wt%)"you are tossed into"
128 print tab(wt%)"the street.":goto156
129 :
130 print tab(wt%)"after a drink or":print tab(wt%)"two, you gamble for"
131 print tab(wt%)"a while and loose 25"
132 print tab(wt%)"credits":cr=cr-25:ifcr<0thencr=0
133 goto156
134 :
135 print tab(wt%)"you feel lucky and":print tab(wt%)"decide to gamble."
136 print tab(wt%)"you win 25 credits!":cr=cr+25:goto156
137 :
138 print tab(wt%)"you try to pay for":print tab(wt%)"your drink an find"
139 print tab(wt%)"that your wallet is":print tab(wt%)"gone. a thief!"
140 cr=cr-50:ifcr<0thencr=0
141 goto 156
142 :
143 print tab(wt%)"you catch a thief":print tab(wt%)"trying to steal your"
144 printtab(wt%)"wallet. you get a":print tab(wt%)"50 credit reward!":cr=cr+50
145 goto 156
146 :
147 print tab(wt%)"you get stone blind":print tab(wt%)"drunk, and the law"
148 print tab(wt%)"fines you 10":print tab(wt%)"credits."
149 cr=cr-10: if cr<0 then cr=0
150 goto 156
151 :
152 print tab(wt%)"you relax and have a":print tab(wt%)"few drinks. nothing"
153 print tab(wt%)"interesting happens;":print tab(wt%)"so you leave."
154 cr=cr-2:ifcr<0thencr=0
155 :
156 gosub 536:goto 315
157 rem store---------------------------
158 if spr%=2 then 160
159 sys828,40960,"store":spr%=2
160 gosub 589
161 print"[147][167][214][214][214][214][129][214][214][214][214][214][158][214][214][214][214][214][153][165]weapons[167][214][154][214][214][214][214]